Coastal Vascular Center - Logo


8619 Broadway St. STE 105
Pearland, Tx 77584


201 Oak Dr South, STE 105
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

Arterial Disease

What are Abnormal Veins?

What are Abnormal Veins?

Bulging veins are a sign of venous insufficiency. Allowing symptoms like bulging veins and ankle swelling to go untreated can further affect your quality of life. Stop wondering about bulging veins. Visit our Vein Center to see patient resources that help you identify and treat your vein issues....

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Atherectomy (a·thr·ek·tuh·mee) - sounds more complicated than it is. An atherectomy is a medical procedure to remove plaque from an artery. The goal of the procedure is to improve blood flow to the heart and the rest of the body.This article will explain the atherectomy process and why people...

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